Photo By Laurel Golio for Naaya

Photo By Laurel Golio for Naaya



Who is Wellness For in conversation with Fariha Róisín at the Brooklyn Museum


Naaya x Love Wellness Racial Equity workshop


In Conversation with Layla F. Saad Author of Me and White Supremacy. 


In this video, we engage in a deep dive conversation with Jessamyn Stanley about white supremacy and equity in the wellness industry. Hosted in Collaboration with Ask Tia.


Our humanity and our Blackness are inextricably linked, especially at this moment, where we are being asked to meet white folks with grace. While at the same time, they wrestle with and unlearn their inherent racism. In this digital salon with Sonya Renee Taylor and Kimberly Latrice Jones, we will discuss white extraction, tone policing, and Black folks' right to be angry.


In this robust conversation, we will discuss the narrative around who gets to have Black features see- not actual Black folks. How the constant degradation of those features on Black Bodies helps uphold white supremacy. Additionally, we will discuss what colorism is and how to recognize it. Our honored guests for this conversation are Ericka Hart and Amanda Harris Williams.


This conversation is powerful and a great start to your anti-racism work. We are joined by Layla F. Saad and EbonyJanice Moore.


In this digital salon, we will converse with Cassandra Lam of We are the Cosmos and Dr. Kiona . We will discuss how COVID-19 has exacerbated racism and xenophobia. We will contextualize the historical framework and delve into the physical, mental, and emotional toll on the Asian community.


In this digital salon, we discuss why young folks should be included in discussions about race and best practices for how to teach them about it—seeing as young people are a byproduct of both nature vs. nurture. Not educating them about race doesn’t mean that they are not internalizing concepts around white supremacy and racism. Our honored guests are Tiffany Jewell and Kyle Anderson.