Happy Birthday To Us!

August 2020

Photograph By Laurel Golio for Naaya

Photograph By Laurel Golio for Naaya


Two years ago, I set out to build a well-being focused company that centered the experiences of folks like me. Folks who—despite everything the world tells them to the contrary—have an intrinsic capacity for joy, creativity, and imagination. I’m driven by a deep desire that regardless of race, socioeconomic status, or physical ability that you (yes, you) deserve to be well.

Some context: I’ve always had a lot of ideas—some might argue too many, but regardless, I’m always trying to push what already exists and iterate on it. I’m also always up for a challenge; tell me something can’t be done and I’m going to tell you to watch and wait. Where there is a will, there is absolutely a way.

As a business owner, I built Naaya on a belief that humans come first, including me. Intuition has been a strong guiding principle for the way I’ve led over the last two years (shout-out to Michelle Pellizzon, founder of Holisticism, for teaching me that term). Now more than ever, I am certain that I am doing what I can to fuck up the status quo. Thank you for taking this ride with me and supporting Naaya (btw: in true Leo fashion, she got a site update for her bday and its real cute.)




Our discussion with Jessamyn Stanley and the folks over at Ask Tia on the fallacy of wellness as whiteness.