A WORD ON Intrinsic Value
July 2021
As we came to the end of July, she came and went with warp speed. We come to the end of what is deemed BIPOC mental health month.
Still not sure how I feel about calling out certain months for certain things. See- Black History month, Pride month, AAPI month. I feel it creates a certain kind of frenetic energy that generally appeals to businesses only to capitalize off of whatever that month is highlighting, but I digress.
We have recently seen Simone Biles (24) and Noami Osaka (23) eschew their celebrity status in favor of their mental health. Both have received criticism for not putting their athleticism and, in turn, their support for “America” on the backburner as they center their mental health.
It also brought up this idea of Intrinsic value vs. Extrinsic value. It is not lost on me that both of these women are young and Black. To be praised on the one hand and then criticized the next is the true paradox of my existence as a Black Woman.
Simone and Naomi are intrinsically valuable just by nature of being humans and existing in the world. Their value is not derived from the fact that they are both athletes at the top of their fields. Criticism of their decisions is based on the extrinsic value strangers place solely on their talent and not on their intrinsic value.
I would offer that both young women deeply value themselves intrinsically to make such difficult decisions to center themselves over the pressure to be great athletes. I stand in awe as I reflect on the many times I have been unable to see my own intrinsic value due to extrinsic motivation to be quiet in situations where it was clear I wasn’t valued. In those moments, the extrinsic motivators of financial security and housing security. Superseded my intrinsic value of wanting to be valued not just on my ability to produce or exist without considering my mental health.
To anyone feeling conflicted by your own intrinsic value and the extrinsic value you feel you may need to uphold. I see you, and I implore you to realize just by nature of existing -what a time. You’re inherently worthy of love, rest, and safety.
With grace, Sinikiwe